Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 416

Chapter 416


Chapter 416: The Clever Approach


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Moreover, you only consider that Lin Miao should not be imprisoned, that incarceration would leave a negative impression, providing others with a handle to manipulate, Gu Zi continued.

But you havent considered that if Lin Miao doesnt go to jail, you would be the ones truly handing over the handle of power to others. Compared to this, wouldnt it be better if the Gu family, in the name of justice, urged their daughter to bravely correct her mistakes and sincerely repent? Wouldnt that image be better?

The idea that Lin Miaos imprisonment could somehow be beneficial left Gu Shan and Zhang Mei momentarily stunned. What do you mean by that? they asked.

Gu Zis expression was serious as she delved deeper into her analysis. Have you considered that Lin Miaos identity is not only as the daughter of the Gu family but also as the daughter-in-law of the Gong family?

So what? Wouldnt the Gong family be equally embarrassed? Gu Shan and

Zhang Mei looked at Gu Zi, saying, What exactly are you trying to say?

Its simple, Gu Zi continued, Compared to you, the Gong family is very stable right now. If you follow their approach, you wont go wrong.

Lin Miao going to jail is not a mistake, but as long as you dont get caught in any other wrongdoing and keep a close eye on Lin Miaos reform, the impact of this incident will not expand.

Moreover, out of respect for the Gong family, people wont spread this matter too far, and your workplace wont make things too difficult for you. After all, if they make things difficult for you because of Lin Miao, where would that leave the Gong family? So, isnt it smarter to follow the Gong familys steadiness?

Gu Zis straightforward words made Gu Shan and Zhang Mei suddenly realize the truth. Indeed, no wonder the Gong family had been quiet during this period. Gu Zis words made perfect sense.

Lin Miaos imprisonment would affect the reputation of both families, but if Lin Miao didnt go to jail, or if they managed to get her out, the outside world would speculate deeper issues. Those with ulterior motives would seize the substantial handle of the Gu and Gong families. Sitting in these positions, no one could withstand scrutiny, and the loss would outweigh the gain.

At this moment, Gu Shan suddenly remembered his previous visit to Deputy Chief He. The Deputy Chiefs willingness to come might have had ulterior motives; after all, he and Chief Gong were arch-enemies! Now, thinking back, Gu Shan felt a chill, his face turning pale.

He had been blinded by vanity, and coupled with his recent running around worrying about Lin Miaos situation, he had become confused, failing to distinguish between what was important and what was not. Lin Miaos imprisonment might only last a few years, but if the Gong family were investigated, his promotion would definitely be affected, and that was not something a few years could fix.

In the end, Gu Shan and Zhang Mei fell silent. They took their belongings and left. At this point, they had made up their minds; they could only wrong Lin Miao for now

Gu Zi understood Gu Shan and Zhang Meis characters well. Watching their dejected figures turn away, she knew they had made up their minds to abandon Lin Miao.

In their hearts, their own flesh and blood couldnt compare to power and interests. Gu Zi didnt hold any grudges about being abandoned by them in the past, and being sent to the countryside to marry in place of Lin Miao.

Gu Zi turned to Su Shen and smiled with relief. She didnt feel sorry for Lin

Miao because Lin Miao was merely experiencing what Gu Zi had felt before.

Moreover, Gu Zi was discarded by the Gu family without any hesitation. She was innocent in the matter of marriage. At least they had tried for Lin Miao, who had indeed made mistakes.

Mom, Dad, are you ready? Lets leave the hospital, Gu Zi said, holding Su Le in her arms after resting in Su Shens embrace. When she stood up, she had regained her usual demeanor. Looking at the smile on the little girls face, she felt happy. The matter with Lin Miao was finally settled.

Mother Lin nodded, Were ready. Lin Cheng, carry your father. Lin Cheng squatted by the bed while Mother Lin and Su Shen helped Papa Lin onto Lin Chengs back. The family left the hospital amidst laughter and chatter.

When Gu Shan and Zhang Mei returned home, they still felt a tightness in their chests, troubled. They didnt know how to face Lin Miao, how to tell her they were giving up on her.

After much thought, Gu Shan decided not to visit Lin Miao for now. He picked up the landline and dialed the police station. He spoke some seemingly sensible words, instructing, Officer, please inform Lin Miao for us. Tell her to cooperate with the trial inside. Well wait for her to come out..

